City of Torrington Economic Development Commission
Minutes December 1, 2009
Members Present: Cindy Donaldson, Nancy Sieller, Greg Mele,
Jim Thibault, Bill Battle, TJ Zappulla, JoAnn Ryan,
Members Absent: George Noujaim, Mayor Bingham,
Commissioner Donaldson called the meeting to order at 5:30pm
Commissioner Sieller made the motion to open the meeting to the public and Commissioner Zappulla seconded the motion. Motion carried
2. Approval of the Minutes
Commissioner Zappulla made the motion to approve the November 10, 2009 minutes and Commissioner Sieller seconded the motion, Commissioner Ryan abstained, the motion carried.
- Update on ACT : Light Up Main was very successful. Commissioner Battle was concerned that there wasn’t enough publicity for the event. Many children from his son’s school did not know about it. The event was published in the paper, on radio and flyers went out to every elementary student. Commissioner Battle suggested we get the principals of each school involved next year.
4. Final Review of POCD: Rose emailed the education section to Marty. There is one
more public hearing to take place before the plan is finalized. Marty will hold the EDC comments until he receives comments from the public hearing and then submit all comments at once. Commissioners have until the public hearing to make any changes.
5. Brownfield’s Update:
Mayor Binghman, Rose and Steve Nocera attended the annual Brownfield’s Conference November 14-18 . The Marketing video was shown during the meeting. Commissioners noted that the video needs to be put on our website. In addition copies of the conference newsletter was distributed during the meeting. The newsletter was distributed at the conference to all attendees. Commissioner Zappulla inquired about the phase 1 findings that have been completed. Rose is meeting with the consultant next week and will update at next month’s meeting.
- EDC OPENING: There is one opening on the EDC board. Commissioner Ryan suggested that someone from the manufacturing industry should be considered. Commissioners will submit their suggestions to Rose by next month.
- SWOT ANALYIS: SWOT sheets were handed out; Commissioners will review and be prepared to discussed at next month’s meeting.
- Yearly Calendar Dates: EDC will continue to meet the first Tuesday of every month. The time has been changed from 5:30 to 5:00 PM. Commissioner Zappulla stressed the need to adhere to the schedule.
- New Business: Commissioner Mele reported that the P&Z commission was not willing to change the temporary signage requirements at this time. Much thought was put into the current regulation and any change could require additional personnel to enforce. Commissioner Zappulla asked that we find out how many temporary permits are issued in one year. Commissioner Ryan reported that she is waiting to hear from the department of agriculture concerning a $95,000 grant for the welcome center. Since this is a regional project there is also the possibility that some of the rural façade money could be used to fund this project.
At 7:00 PM Commissioner Mele made a motion to adjourn, Commissioner Battle seconded the motion. Motion carried